A Tyler-Type Estimator of Location and Scatter Leveraging Riemannian Optimization

We consider the problem of jointly estimating the location and scatter matrix of a Compound Gaussian distribution with unknown deterministic texture parameters. When the location is known, the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) of the scatter matrix …

A Riemannian approach to blind separation of t-distributed sources

The blind source separation problem is considered through the approach based on non-stationarity and coloration. In both cases, the sources are usually assumed to be Gaussian. In this paper, we extend previous works in order to handle sources drawn …

Riemannian Geometry and Cramér-rao Bound for Blind Separation of Gaussian Sources

We consider the optimal performance of blind separation of Gaussian sources. In practice, this estimation problem is solved by a two-step procedure: estimation of a set of covariance matrices from the observed data and approximate joint …

Modified Sparse Subspace Clustering for Radar Detection in Non-stationary Clutter

Detecting targets embedded in a noisy environment is an important topic in adaptive array processing. In the traditional statistical framework, this problem is addressed through a binary hypothesis test, which usually requires the estimation of side …

Spectral Shrinkage of Tyler's M-Estimator of Covariance Matrix

Covariance matrices usually exhibit specific spectral structures, such as low-rank ones in the case of factor models. In order to exploit this prior knowledge in a robust estimation process, we propose a new regularized version of Tyler's M-estimator …

Robust Subspace Clustering for Radar Detection

Target detection embedded in a complex interference background such as jamming or strong clutter is an important problem in signal processing. Traditionally, statistical adaptive detection processes are built from a binary hypothesis test performing …

Robust-COMET for covariance estimation in convex structures: Algorithm and statistical properties

This paper deals with structured covariance matrix estimation in a robust statistical framework. Covariance matrices often exhibit a particular structure related to the application of interest and taking this structure into account increases …

A subspace approach for shrinkage parameter selection in undersampled configuration for Regularised Tyler Estimators

Regularized Tyler Estimator's (RTE) have raised attention over the past years due to their attractive performance over a wide range of noise distributions and their natural robustness to outliers. Developing adaptive methods for the selection of the …

Robust rank constrained Kronecker covariance matrix estimation

In this paper, we consider the problem of robustly estimating a structured covariance matrix (CM). Specifically, we focus on CM structures that involve Kronecker products of low rank matrices, which often arise in the context of array processing …

A robust signal subspace estimator

An original estimator of the orthogonal projector onto the signal subspace is proposed. This estimator is derived as the maximum likelihood estimator for a model of sources plus orthogonal outliers, both with varying power (modeled by Compound …